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Welcome, to Wester.Digital, now in plaintext. Here I post poorly
written content on whatever happens to currently interest me. At
the moment, this includes: technology, philosophy, academia, and
life generally.

All of my writings are available through the web, gopher and rss:
=== RSS feed ===
=== Gopher Hole ===


Recent posts:
=== Home (sickness) ===
Tue, 17 Sep 2024

=== Fundamental Laws ===
Thu, 18 Jul 2024

=== Project Typewriter 2.0 ===
Wed, 10 Jul 2024
Technology, Programming

=== Oslo's public transport is unfriendly to foreigners ===
Sun, 07 Jul 2024
Travel, Opinion

=== Miss American Pie ===
Wed, 12 Jun 2024
Music, Religion, Non-serious

=== All posts ===


All of my writings are available free of charge and I do not
accept monetary donations. If you are feeling charitable, I
encourage you to donate to a charitable organisation or
non-profit either with your money, time, voice, or other form of
support or to simply help out a someone in need in whatever form
that may take.

Email your questions, comments, or recommendations to